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Joone & Tilkal: next-generation traceability is coming to the Cosmetics industry!

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

Joone & Tilkal strengthen their partnership to offer the first line of beauty products traced on the blockchain. Transparency is coming to the Cosmetics industry!

This marks a new phase in the collaboration between Tilkal and Joone Paris, a digital brand of family hygiene and cosmetics products.

In August 2020, we jointly launched DOORZ, the very first blockchain-based traceability and transparency platform in the sector, at the time available on the brand's baby diapers.

Today, Joone's entire line of beauty products incorporates this revolutionary tool, bringing the number of product references traced on the platform to over a hundred and making this traceability effort one of the most ambitious to date in the Cosmetics industry.

Why integrate the cosmetic line into this traceability platform?

Origin of raw materials, labels and certifications, manufacturing processes, packaging, recyclability, etc, are information that consumers increasingly want to know. In a world where their confidence is being lost, transparency is an opportunity for brands to differentiate themselves and grow, and cosmetics are no exception to this. The issue of traceability, on which transparency relies, has become central – companies need to provide proof of their commitments!

85% of consumers want to know about a product's origin and 1 in 2 French people may stop buying something through lack of information (Kantar & Opinionway 2019)
72% of 18-34 year-olds won't hesitate to stop buying their favourite cosmetic brand if it no longer corresponds to their values ​​(YouGov France for GT Nexus)

Joone is pushing back the boundaries of transparency and revolutionising the cosmetics world by offering its customers the opportunity to securely retrace their skincare product's entire journey via DOORZ, the very first traceability platform in the sector, developed using blockchain and big data technologies.

Why does secure traceability pave the way for radical transparency?

For the technological building blocks to support the implementation of this project, Joone called on Tilkal, whose software infrastructure uses blockchain and big-data technologies to organise 'modern' traceability of the supply chain, from beginning to end and in real-time. This helps restore real visibility of the product life cycle and identify important facts related to the operation of the supply chain to provide better operational control, compliance and transparency.

Specifically, the collection of data from the parties involved via a blockchain network, which is decentralised, makes it possible to guarantee both that the information is auditable and that it has not been altered, and also makes each party accountable for doing what they have said they will. This guarantee of evidence-based transparency gives substance to the promises made by the brand. The consumer gains real-time knowledge of 'who did what, where, when and how' to the product they're holding in their hands.

How does it work?

This tool enables users to see their cosmetics products' entire journey, traced by batch, in just a

single click from a personalised link via their Joone customer space, or by scanning the QR code on the packaging.

And it's all of the suppliers who provide real-time information on raw materials and production cycles so that every end-user knows directly how and when their products were produced and what's in them.

It's a new way for the brand to give its community a 100% transparent, innovative experience.


- It took less than three months to technically develop this project

- In total, around a hundred product references traced

- Traceability of the entire cosmetic line by batch, as well as of orders placed

- Integration of 3 new Joone suppliers to Tilkal’s blockchain network

- Available from January 2021


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